Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 13: A Break from Beating Myself Up

Apparently, my last couple of days saw me going a bit crazy. These things do happen, periodically. ;-) I'm still feeling a little psychotic right now. The fact that Shiva-Kitty insists on climbing my shoulder and wallowing on me when I'm trying to work doesn't bode well for her safety. But that's just empty venting-threats and cat-flinging...

After taking a couple days to think about what's "wrong" with my Health Overhaul plan and, ultimately, myself, I realized that my current stress level is competing with my resolve to do things. Shutting down doesn't accomplish much, and I'm going to cultivate a less whiny attitude for times when I don't meet goals. Thanks to Rebekah and Angela, who saw through my sarcasm into my frustrated panic, I think I know how to deal with my inner critic. :)

Things that I know: Lifestyle changes don't happen in just 13 days. 91 pounds of weight loss needs to be broken down into increments that I can achieve in the short term. My attitude is directly related to and interchangeable with my success. *deep breath and sigh* And... repeat! :)

GOAL: To view my progress and process in a positive light and take a long break from beating myself up.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah. I have a lot to lose, too. I can get there if I lose a pound a week (which is TOTALLY reasonable) between now and my 10-year high school reunion, which is such a big motivator for me! My immediate goal, though, and the one I am going to try to focus on before anything else, is to run 3 miles by the end of March, which I will be doing if I follow the couch to 5K plan on a decent schedule. So maybe you should come up with the plan first, come up with an achievable, measurable (and perhaps non-weight-related) goal that you will achieve if you stick to your plan (with a little wiggle room for little fudges). Anyway, it's something that really worked for me when I was preparing for my 5K last year, and I plan to use the same strategy this year for my next one.

    PS if you end up reading through that book, let me know, and we'll support each other with following through on things we decide to do out of it too. :)
