TB skin test, check! Blood pressure, 111/85, decent! Pulse rate, 79, not too shabby! Weight, negotiable! Hey, ya can't get nekkid in front of the whole Dr.'s office! Clompy shoes, breakfast and winter clothes plus me equals 284.6. Hope I'm not delusional about the real 281 lb current weight!
Well, tests concluded that I am, in fact, alive. Doctor, I don't have anything that hurts when you jab your fingers into my belly, and I don't rattle when I breathe. I'm only doing this on the off chance that I'll get a teaching, or at least substitute teaching, job. But I got some Health Overhaul data, too! Yay!
I think I've stayed within my points range today. I need to calculate to be sure. As for exercise, I didn't intend this afternoon's activities to be exercise-y... I drew and worked on painting a mural for my future nephew who shall depart the womb in April. Nursery mural in Winnie the Pooh motif, check! (Almost finished, and part of my Artist's heart died a little...)
PROGRESS: BP 111/85, Pulse 79, Points, aight! Exercise: 3 hours light (grumble, grumble, gripe).
It's early, so I may do some legit exercises before bedtime. Then off for another couple appointments tomorrow!
I keep meaning to check my resting pulse rate. I like watching that one go down as I exercise more, although I've been told it takes a while for that number to improve. Like, longer than weight! Anyhow, I'm off to the gym myself, thanks for the inspiration!