Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Next New Thing is a free website that operates like Weight Watchers, generating goals and storing tracking data. I think I like it so far! Today is my test-drive of their program, along with my Simply Filling Power Foods list, real cheeses, real butter and real mayonnaise. 

I had 476 to 826 calories left on my plan, and burned 464 calories today! I did a full half hour of aerobics and 15 minutes of crunches and weights. :) And I feel great, so far!

I'm still following my Weight Watchers Points Plus Simply Filling foods list so I don't have to count calories, and letting SparkPeople do the calorie calculations. I don't think I can use all the daily calories they allow to reach their 100lb December goal, but I can edit the amounts once I show some progress. 

I still hold that the WW Simply Filling Plan, South Beach Diet, and Atkins Diet are essentially the same diet, with few exceptions (most involving use of fat and portion control). I own all three book sets for all diets, so they've got their money outta me. I find that some elements from each work very well. As of now, I've abandoned Atkins except for the "pure fats" allowance, except I measure and note serving sizes. The only notable difference between Simply Filling and South Beach is South Beach's 2 week Induction (nearly identical to Atkins' Induction). I'm not doing an Induction at this time, and for the first time in a long time, I'm not aiming for some level of ketosis. I'm tired of the gimmicks and misconceptions for all the diets. This isn't a one-upmanship contest. I'm trying for something sustainable.

Hoping the 1 week weigh-in is encouraging.


P.S. Weight Watchers posted a useful Power Foods list: