The tracking part of my diet experiment is wonderful! I've managed full ketosis with little discomfort on lean chicken and fish, vegetables-- including avocado! I've limited my intake of calories via WWP+ point tracking and my intake of caffeine by not buying any. I've only drunk one or two "real" sodas since Day 1, and that was in the absence of acceptable diet options.
When I don't manage to keep within my carb limit for the day, I at least stay within my Points limit. I've jogged around my ketosis level a few times and still continued to show weight loss. I'm a bit nervous going into this week's weigh-in, mainly because of the Melody dress-shopping binge. But I've got a great long-term goal in mind. I think I cited March 17 as my Goal 1 date for 261 lb. Don't think I'll drop 15 lb by then, but I may... You know about miraculous spurts?
I have exercised in a consistent manner: four days this week, three of which earned over 10 activity points for WW.
And... I feel physically better! I'm sleeping well, except for the steady occasions of Atkins' diuretic effect, and feeling stronger. It's weird to mention, but I squatted down to get something out of the back of a low cabinet and stood up without falling over or hurting myself, or sitting in the floor to reach. I also noticed that my flexibility improved by the fourth day of exercise. The virtual instructor said "grab your toes or reach as far as you can" and I reached as far as he said instead of settling for the ankle or lower leg
PROGRESS PERCEPTIONS: Noticeable improvement in flexibility, strength and balance. Better, more restful sleep. Better mood?!
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