Wednesday, July 27, 2011

End of Week 2: Franken-Fast!

Well, I wouldn't call it very much a "fast" this week. I had three or four really naughty eating days. Like going shopping with Ryan and Melody naughty, and just HAVIN' to stop at Taco Bell and IHOP. And it was downhill after that. But I did get most of my wedding-decor shopping finished, so I can't complain.

The funny thing is, I didn't lose weight this week. I actually gained a pound. Scientifically, I realize that my exercise has the illusory effect of weight gain because I'm building muscle while still burning fat. Stupid exercise, makin' it seem like I am still just as fat! But here's the exciting part: my measurements all went down by 1 inch or more!

After mostly crappy eating habits the last part of the week, my yard-work and mowing paid off a bit. Numerically speaking, I'm unhappy about not losing poundage. I know that I would have if I stuck to the diet more closely. But I'll count the week a success in measurements alone!

The success is worth a Week Three, I think. I'll tell you all about it then. (Whatever you do, Self, don't go a-visitin' where there's food!)


BMI: 38 (Ugh! Obese... duh. But two points away from morbidly obese. Scary!)

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