Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 9: Going strong!

I'll say it again: working benefits my diet. I like this temporary sub-teaching job for many reasons, and this is a good reason! I can't eat junk if I don't bring junk. I can't eat high-fat cafeteria food if I don't go there. I can't eat during classes. I can only eat before school and during lunch, which keeps me from snacking. I also focus on mostly protein during the morning and day and don't see carbs until I make dinner, which saves me WWP+ points as well. I'm having trouble eating enough points to meet my daily goal, but I'm not hungry.

I do have some back pain associated with my almost two-hour daily car trip and perhaps some kidney pain from not drinking enough water (pitfall of Atkins diet). But I'm working on that with exercise and pacing about the room, as well as upping my intake of water.

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